Insuring a Fair and Open Election Process

Democratic elections serve two essential functions in any country: to provide the vehicle through which the people express their will as to who shall have the authority to govern; and to resolve peacefully the competition for governmental power. Through democratic elections citizens hold incumbents to account for their performance and promise to hold to account those who seek to be elected.

The obligation of governments to organise genuine elections, based on universal and equal suffrage, is interwoven with the right of citizens to participate in government and public affairs.

Does the Government Have Procedures That Guarantee the Ability of Election Administration to Act Impartially, Effectively and Transparently?

Does the Government Have Procedures That Guarantee the Ability of Election Administration to Act Impartially (free and independently from political pressures), effectively (with timely and adequate funding), transparently (budget proposals and the budget documents made publicly available in a timely and easily accessible manner) and accountability (through legislative oversight and public scrutiny).

Recognizing Electoral Competitors’ Right To Observe All Aspects of the Election Process?

Recognizing the rights of citizens to associate through organizations that monitor electoral processes (e.g.,non- partisan citizen organizations and news media), and require timely accrediting, without unreasonable restrictions, of such organizations to observe all aspects of election administration, including, among others, delimitation of election districts, voter registration, voting, vote counting and electoral results tabulation and transmission.

Promoting and Assisting Public Organizations To Monitor the Election Process?

(e.g.,non- partisan citizen organizations and news media), and require timely accrediting, without unreasonable restrictions, of such organizations to observe all aspects of election administration, including, among others, delimitation of election districts, voter registration, voting, vote counting and electoral results tabulation and transmission.