Insuring a Fair and Open Election Process

Democratic elections serve two essential functions in any country: to provide the vehicle through which the people express their will as to who shall have the authority to govern; and to resolve peacefully the competition for governmental power. Through democratic elections citizens hold incumbents to account for their performance and promise to hold to account those who seek to be elected.

The obligation of governments to organise genuine elections, based on universal and equal suffrage, is interwoven with the right of citizens to participate in government and public affairs.

Impartiality To All Electoral Candidates?

All state-owned and controlled mass communications media should remain impartial toward all electoral contestants; include sanctions for non-compliance; provide that data collected by governmental agencies that may monitor the media be made publicly and timely available, and provide that public requests for information from state-owned or controlled media and media monitoring agencies shall receive timely responses.

Providing A Mechanism For Complaints, Review and Sanction?

Providing a mechanism for complaints, review and sanction concerning any government employee who uses governmental office, resources or employee time to pursue the advantage or disadvantage of an electoral contestant, and require timely public reports on the number, nature and disposition of such complaints.

Enforcing Election Laws?

Enforcing the criminal liability for any one, including government employees, acting in a manner that violates the rights of prospective voters or electoral contestants (including through bribery, threats of political retribution concerning jobs, scholarships or service provision, violence, threats of violence or other forms of coercion), and require timely public reports on the number, nature and disposition of such cases.